Monday, November 9, 2009
My Auction House Banker is now Kevmar on Warcraft
That is how My Auction House Banker got started. One thing that separated me from other bloggers and helped me build connections with others is how I will dive into code for solutions. My KTQ mod was a big hit and it saved a ton of people a lot of time. Now I am looking to expand my topic area a little bit and bring more code solutions to my readers.
So I have moved the blog to a webserver and taking this opprotunity to rebrand it. The new home is and is now called Kevmar on Warcraft. All of my old content was moved over and is ready for you. Gold will come to you when you are doing the right thing.
Update: This site is no longer active. I have moved onto other projects and have let the domain expire.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Patch 3.3 getting close account merger is required next week. Support will be flooded with people that don't understand why they cannot log in. The smart thing to do would to be wait for that to settle. The patch will not be next week.
2 week notice for when the 310 achievement mounts will go away. This needs to happen this next patch. With the next tier of content, this will be that much easier to get. The ideal time to remove this is during the 3.3 patch. They did say they would tell us 2 weeks before the change and I did not hear them announce that yet.
Activity on PTR. There is a lot of activity on the PTR at the moment. Play testing the encounter like they did for ulduar. They recently had a developer event on the ptr where players can join the new LFG tool and play with a blue. This type of activity indicates major features are done and they are doing bug resolution passes. This is why I think the patch is getting close.
Major holiday is getting close. They will not release the path the week of the holiday. In the event that something needs to get immediately fixed, they do not want the holiday in the way. It will either be a week before the holiday or 1-2 weeks after. If they wait until after, they get a good deal of ptr test data from the people on break. This fleshes out any uncovered bugs and gives them a week for a dev/test cycle.
Historic release dates point to the first week in December. If you look back at patches going live, you will see that the first week in December has been a popular one. Part of that could be the position of Thanksgiving in the week before. Looking at the time between patches would indicate we would not see this patch in November. Does not make it impossible, but its way to close to the releases behind it.
Arena season for the last 3 seasons were around 17-18 weeks. They tend to release a patch just before the end of the season (1-3 weeks). That gives them a bit of time to uncover any balance issues in arenas before the next season starts. This season started Sept 1 and a patch early Dec would put that 13 weeks into the season. 4 weeks before the end of the season is pushing it. They may cut a week off of the season or release the patch mid Dec is this is any kind of indicator.
Before I started looking at all these details, my gut was saying to keep an eye for the patch as early as one week before thanksgiving. Now that I looked into it a bit more, I am favoring early December. Looking at the 8th from everything else I looked at.
How close do you think it is?
My first pet
One time I chatted with the snake vendor looking over the pets he offered, I actually had 70 silver. I was a little excited at the idea of having a pet. For 50 silver it had to be good. My mind was filled with visions of my snake attacking my foe. It would be such a great thing for the weak class that I was playing.
So I forked over the 50 silver that I saved so hard for. I got the pet out and was kind of hoping it would be a bit bigger. But as long as it did sick damage to the mobs it would be worth it. I headed back out into the wild to check out what my new helper would do.
The stupid thing just stood there. No attack command, so way to control him, and he would still just stand there as I was attacked. It was such a worthless pet. It didn't actually do anything. When I went to get my silver back, the snake guy wanted to rip me off. So I kept the snake.
Not only was this thing not helping me, he actually got in the way of my healing. Sometimes when I would go to click on my self or a party member to heal him, I would get the snake instead. I would try to heal over and over and it would never go off because I had the stupid pet selected.
It also took up a whole slot in my bag. I eventually just tossed him away because I needed the room for something important like a pair of grey leather boots off of a ghost in SM graveyard. That was the last time I ever paid for a pet. No way was I ever going to make that mistake again.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I have been thinking about these things and have let them distract me from the blog. That happens from time to time.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Some things in progress
I have been running my KevTool NoobDetector for a long time now and got to thinking about other things I can do with it. What if it had a feature to give you a report on the raid you are in? You get into a group or raid and have it do a raid check. It reports back how the group averages and possibly points out the top 5 noobs for you to watch.
My loot system changes were just an increase in weekly decay and to add a minimum decay amount. People raiding normally will not feel much of an impact. People that miss raids will feel it more. Also adding an attendance tracking component to it. Already have that written, but need 6 raids worth of data to make it accurate.
I am also cutting back my auction house time as much as I can. Trying for no camping in a few markets. I also don't have many idea to post about while I work out some details on a few other things. I hate to spoil any of my ideas by talking about them here to my competition.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
DE Patch Details
You have to have an enchanter in the group for it to be available. And he as to be of level to DE the item. It is just a way to accommodate the people doing cross server groups that would normally trade all the DE items at the end but can't because of other restrictions.
Also while the need option restricts what items you can need, greed does not have that restriction. So if the armor class of the item is not one you can need on, greeding is still an option.
Friday, October 30, 2009
AHK, G15, and other Jedi Magic
I also want to mention that I am not a lawyer and this is my interpretation of the ToS and other information I have found. These are my opinions on the topic and you should form your own opinion.
The Jedi Magic that I am talking about are the ways you get around Blizzards built in limits on macros and actions to get wow to do more with less effort. Auto milling is that example. Many people look for ways to automate the milling process. Some external scripting/macro programs will simulate key presses, some hardware is programmable and will allow automated key presses, some hardware support turbo options to repeat a single key over and over while it is held down. These are all tools and some are very common.
As tools they do not break the ToS, but you can break the ToS with them. Just like carrying a hammer does not break the law, but swinging it at someone does. AHK is used by multiboxers, G15 sits on the desk of many gamers, many control pads have turbo button options, and every computer has vbscript installed. There are ways all of these can be safely used and ways they can all get your account banned. This is why this subject becomes very grey.
The closer to that line you go, the higher your risk is. Because the devil is in the details and the line is not so clear cut. You don't know if the guy checking on your activity understands these details. Just because you think your within the ToS the other guy may not agree.
Here is a good rule of thumb. If your are sending actions to your character and you are not at the keyboard then you have broken the ToS. If you have something making game decisions for you then you have broken the ToS. This is why AHK is allowed for multiboxing. Each keystroke is done by the user at the keyboard and AHK sends it to the other windows. If that same user put timed actions into AHK (like self buffing every 30 min) then he is breaking the ToS. If he sets it to press his mill macro every 3 sec for 15 min and he walks away from the computer, he broke the ToS.
It is hard to tell if they will ban you for auto milling/prospecting. If you auto mill but stop to chat with the GM when he pops up, I would guess you could save your account. This is why its a use at your own risk. If you are looking for help on how to do this automation, please look someplace else. I will remove comments asking about or giving too much information on how to do this.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Recruit A Friend
Let me give you a short overview of what RAF is. It is 2 accounts linked together that gain 3x xp while they are playing together (and are close in level). Also every 2 levels the recruited account gains, he earns one free level he can gift to the recruiting account. So it works out to about 30 levels that can be gifted. These bonuses stop at level 60.
Because this stops at 60, you can take advantage of all of these things with just the original Warcraft. So for $20.00 it costs to pick up a 2nd account, you can level a pair (or several) chars to 60 very quickly. If you pay for one month on the 2nd account, the first one gets a free month. So that $20.00 gives you 60 days to use this as much as you want.
Leveling at triple xp is so fast. I was able to quest to level 10 with minimal work. I would spend 10 to 20 in sfk. Every full clear of SFK would ding a level on both chars. After SFK I would go off to SM. The problem with these low level instances is running them too quick and being forced to take a break. Once we got the system down, we were able to get that last pair to level 36 in one day.
I mentioned all my SM tricks the other day. If you read over those, you can tell I spent good deal of in there. I would go to zf or brd after SM for a few levels and finish out in strat. Once I got into strat, I found the best pulls to make in 12 min and then would reset. I would hold out in here all the way to 60. Most leveling guides take you to outland instances at 55 but you need tbc for that and I was doing this on the cheap.
Don't forget to fill the group when doing instance runs. There is a bonus xp for having more people in the party that most people overlook. It adds up and makes a difference.
The gifted levels can only be given from the recruited account to the recruiter. The person receiving the levels must be lower than the person giving them. You can also save these levels up and spend them at once. You can take a level 1 and just hand him 29 levels. If you are smart, you will power him to level 31 and then grant him the 29 levels to get to 60.
There is also a special trick you can do to basically skip level 60. You still have to get to 60 on the 2nd account first. On the first account, get as much xp as you can with out hitting 60. Stop at 59.999. You xp bar should be as full as you can get it. Then have the 60 grant the 59.999 a level and he will be 60.999. Your XP bar will still be just as full as it was. You basically got to skip level 60.
I know that this is information overload on RAF. Like I said, I walked out of the RAF program with 11 chars over level 60. Yes, that is on 2 accounts. Yes, I did some how end up with 2 mages and 2 warlocks. Yes, I still have not purchased spell or spent talent points or have any gear on most of them. Yes, I have classed that I probably will never play. But if I get the urge to play one, I start at 60.
PS: Slates had some updated information for me about an old bug with linked accounts. I used raf the first month it was out over a year ago and it sounds like they fixed a few things. Before I would make sure the level 70/80 char was not linked to the others, but it sounds like that does not matter anymore. Also I heard that you get 30 free levels now instead of 29 to gift.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lowbies in SM
All 4 wings are on the same instance ID. For as short as each one is, you should do 2 wings before you reset. Even then you will run into the lockout timer. I joined a XP farming group in SM cath once. Prot pally would do 1-2 pulls and kill everything. We did it 5 times and they said they would be back in an hour. After talking with them, I realized they had no clue they could also go clear armory between resets.
Do 12 min resets. If you are resetting in less than 12 min, you will run into the instance lockout. You should be able to do both armory and cath in 12 min. If it takes you too long, consider skipping the bosses. The little bit of xp they give for that extra 1-2 min they add slows you down. You are doing raw xp per 12 min here. If you blow away that 12 min mark, do the hallway in the graveyard (not the courtyard). That first room has 12-15 mobs that are quick to get too.
Avoid the library. Do it for the gear and the key and leave it alone. The mobs reset easily and respawn quickly at the start. It is just extra trouble for you low level chars.
Remember that a lvl 20 has an insane agro range. If the low level can see a mob, he will probably agro it. In both cath and armory, you have to kill the first mob before the lvl 20 zones in. If not he will usually die before the loading screen is gone. Remember you can get xp from behind walls and at a long range. There are safe spots
The first safe spot in the armory is in that first room. Stand to either side of the doorway. I prefer the right corner with back on the wall. I run the main into the courtyard and grab the mob on the stairs and round up the whole room. I pull them too that doorway and kill them just far enough away that the low level cannot see the mobs.
The second is on the other side of the courtyard in the far right corner. Put your face in the corner of that room. take the main down stairs and round up all the mobs on the lower level. If you kill them all near the bottom of those first stairs you ran down, that low level will get all the xp from them.
The third and final spot is down stairs. Go to the set of stairs that goes up and left along that wall in the corner is where you want to stick him. Not the little corner next to the stairs, but the corner of the room to the left. Run your main up stairs and agro the rest of the instance and pull them back near the top of the stairs.
In Cath I run the main in first and drag the mobs in the all into the courtyard. The alt runs in behind and stands to the left of the courtyard about 10-20 yards. Looking at the mini map, have him stand near the corner of the courtyard. With the main, drag everything to that corner on the inside and kill them there. If you have to do it in 2 pulls, move the alt up near the waterfall but make sure you kill the pat. (That pat would kill me all the time)
After the courtyard in clear, park your alt in the left corner next to the cath doors. I put the face in the wall. Run in with the main and agro the boss. Pull the mobs to the middle of the walkway you ran down to agro the boss. Killing the mobs here will give your all xp even when he is standing outside the room.
I was using a 70 mage to do my power leveling. I had to do the armory in 3 pulls and cath in 3-4 pulls. With a level 80 you can much larger pulls. I knew some 70 that could 2 pull cath but dying just a few times slowed me down too much. I have 11 chars over lvl 60 from RAF and I never ever want to step foot in SM again.
Monday, October 26, 2009
No more trash from fishing pools?
I was reading about the new fishing event to be released in 3.3.0 and it was mentioned that in 3.3.0 you never catch trash from fishing pools, regardless of skill. I don't know how I missed it the first time but I saw it there.
Because they are changing things related to fishing pools, watch those markets. I don't think this should create a large shift. Because it should be easier to catch fish in pools, expect more of those fish on the market.
A quick DE at new drop rates
At the moment that is way over inflated and I expect the prices to drop way down on those mats. I bet infinite dust will settle under 3g each and the essences under 9g by the end of the week.
At the moment I am flipping everything as fast as I can before the price drops too much.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Competition
I decided this is a nice time to take a look at who they are. I put together a spread sheet and logged various details. What class of glyphs, min and max buyouts, durations, post counts. I ended up with over 50 names of posters. Some only had a few up so I didn't record much more than the posting name and what looked like min buyouts.
I found 7 major player that covered all glyphs with a single character. I found one player that used 3 atls and was able to connect them to each other. I also use 3 alts and I believe it would be very easy for my competition to connect them to me. Of those 8 other players, 3 of them post their entire inventory for 48 hours. 2 of them post 2 at a time for 48 hours. 3.07g was the highest threshold of them. Looks like 2 do not have a threshold. Only 2 of them had a high fallback (60g ish) and the others had fallbacks of 7-14g.
Of the remaining names on the list I found 7 people posting glyphs under 1g, 11 people posting some 1-2g. Most people posted with 48 hour auctions. I saw about 5 listings where the glyphs were in a stack.
I also saw a few people with a small representation that I know also work the market. I expected to find them as one of the major players but they had a small representation on the AH. Many things could cause this so I will not rule them out. They could be more selective with the glyphs they are posting in this market now or even giving it a chance to reset.
So I will say this market feels more cut throat than before. This last week I only crafted twice and posted less than half of what I normally do and had 740g a day in average sales over the last 6 days. That is way down from the 3-5k a day I was pulling a month ago. But I'll hang back collecting my small sales and be ready to dive in whenever the market resets.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hot Tip: Disenchanting & Shattering Hotfix
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Keyword: KTQ
When I first wrote my mod to auto queue things into skillet, I added it on to a personal mod I already had. Kevtool and the command was /kt. At the time /kt queue was the command I ran to queue up all my glyphs.
Once I decided to release it as a mod, I pulled out all the queue logic into its own mod and renamed it. It bothers me a bit now as I type that command. /KevToolQueue Queue 14 glyphs. But now that it is in use, I don't dare change it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Reading Patchnotes
Transmute titanium is off cooldown. So you will be able to make titanium bars from 16 saronite. If dream shards are high on your server, this may kill the price. There are some things you can craft and DE into shards with Titanium bars. Looking at the cost of saronite and dreamshards on my server this will not change much. But on some servers it could have a larger impact.
I expect saronite bars to spike in price on patch day. I also expect titanium bars to crash for a few days shortly after the patch. I bet 3-5 days after the patch. This is from all the new titanium bars on the ah where the demand is still low. The 3rd time someone is relisting it is when its going to get really cheap. A secondary effect could be the drop in price of titansteel bars. When the mats drop and people remember that cooldown they have, they will produce 3-6 bars over the next week.
There is also a vendor item for the Quel’Delar Quest Chain: The Battered Hilt quest chain that you can pick up off the inscription vendor. I expect this will sell well in trade and on the AH the first few days.
It also has a very different economy that will teach me new things. A new market to work in a different way. To keep this blog on topic, I started one for my AION adventures in brokering. If you are interested in the things I learn and discover in AION check out My AION Broker blog.
In wow, I feel like I know what I am talking about. AION, not so much. But I'll talk anyway.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
400G-500G an hour farming fire.
35x Crystallized Fire (20G an eternal)
30.5G worth of vendor greys
3 Greens that DE into 2xGreater cosmic Essence and a Dream Shard
So that was 150G in 20 min. If we expand that out to an hour, that's over 400G an hour. If you take your time and sell those as crystallized you can get 3g each instead of 2g (as an eternal). Doing that would bump it up to 500g an hour of farming time.
I farm these in a cave in storm peaks. It is in the upper left corner of the map. You see 2 caves. One is full of mobs that drop fire and the other they drop air.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Big leather purchase
I also paid 146G for 40 eternal shadow so that makes it 3.65g each. More than I need at the moment, but I will use them eventualy and the price was right.
So my favorite thing to make are dream shards. At these prices I can make one for 11.44g. I am selling them on the ah for 19g each. So that is 7.4g profit on each one I sell. That is 60% profit.
Heavy Borean Armor Kit takes 10g worth of leather and sells for over 30g. I see it listed at 39g today, but with that much mark up it will not stay that high.
So if I only made Dream Shards, I should be able to get 48 of them out of this batch for a total cost of 550. As Dream Shards, I should be able to sell them for 912G.
If I only made the armor kits, the sales should be 1440g or more. I do a healthy mix of both. I can move the shards in greater volume and I know that market better.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Scan for DE when you can
I did it again a few hours later. I spent 136G on 18 items. 40, 12, 5. The results was 47 Dust, 4.6 Essences, and one Dream Shard. With the same numbers as before, that gives me 295G worth of mats.
Sometimes I get very little, other times I fill my bags with items. It never hurts to check.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Getting Ink CoD
We got a deal worked out where he sends me that ink of the sea directly now. First time I ever pulled this off. Only time will tell if it sticks. I have had many farmers set up to CoD stuff that stop after 2-3 batches. When I logged in today I had 30 stacks waiting for me.
I expect that is what he had in stock. I let him know I will use as much as he send me. Even if I don't bounce production back up to match it, rebuilding my stockpile of ink of the sea is never a bad thing.
What Sarainy has is a single spreadsheet to replace them all. I have thought about doing it, but was doing good enough with all of my specialty spreadsheets. I was not quick to replace them but this has been good as I move into other markets. With all those other professions so handy, it makes it easy to use it for my other things.
I now have in by blog list. It is a blog that I was already following, just never made to my list. So thanks Sarainy for your blog and I am sorry I didn't link to you sooner.
Friday, October 16, 2009
The officers alt banker scam
Someone takes a look at the guild roster so see who the top officers are. They then create an alt with a name like on of those but sounds like a banker or an auction character. Kevbank is the name they tried. They waited for me to log off or they did not see me online. They would whisper all the high ranking officers asking for an invite.
Once invited they would ask to be promoted for guild bank access. Once promoted they would withdraw as much as they could before someone figured it out. I think that's how the scam should work. Like I said, this is a scam someone tried to pull.
He failed for several reasons. Most officers knew who my banker was and that was not it. The average age of our members is higher then most guild so the words he used put him way younger. I don't use the word "dude" when talking to people. I was also on an out of guild alt that one officer knew about. So he sent me a whisper shortly after it was attempted. I was able to log onto my main and tell them it was not me if anyone had any questions.
I point this out as something you should mention to your officers. So they think twice when inviting and promoting that alt. I had a mega guild once get very mad at me because officers would keep inviting me in. The guild was so big that one set of officers would gkick me on the spot and another set would invite me with out knowing they shouldn't.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Buy Low and Sell High
I picked up a few stacks of the mats, found someone to craft them, and resold them in a few days while the market was up. Some things like this are just a good market. If I was a blacksmith, I would have stayed in it.
The other day I needed a epic gem. When I checked the AH, none were listed raw. So I posted a few I had at a price that averaged the cut gems. A good 50-60G markup over what I prabably picked the gem up for.
If you were paying attention a moment ago, I said I needed a epic gem but I had some to post. I buy stuff I will need later when I see its price low ahead of time. I knew I would prabably use the gem I had, but still felt I should check the AH for a cheaper one.
If I don't have the item I need, I will do the math on the raw mats and use them if it will save me gold. I know if I take everything with me to our raid, someone there can make whatever I need that I cannot make. If I am expecting to get a piece of gear, I will try to take those mats with me. When I got my T9.25 helm, it was in the middle of the raid. I had all the mats on me to gem it.
Even though I have more gold than I could ever spend, I still have a hard time overpaying for stuff. If I have to have it I will spend the gold, but saving 20G from buying smart is as good as a 20G sale.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Milling Macro
/cast Milling
/use Lichbloom
/use Felweed
/use Deadnettle
/use Adder's Tongue
/use Tiger Lily
/use Ragveil
/use Liferoot
/use Kingsblood
/use Wild Steelbloom
/use Dreaming Glory
/use Goldclover
/use Icethorn
/use Mana Thistle
Creature of habit
Today I walked out the door and could not remember if I just filled up my drink or not. I look at the drink and it is full so I must have done that. Then I remember that I did the exact same thing the day before. So I let my mind wonder about other time I have done that or other things I do that with.
A few weeks ago, that was how I ran my glyphs. Total auto pilot. I ran a tight schedule for so long that it became part of my day. Next thing I knew every thing I did to make glyphs was mindless and just doing the motions. I am off that schedule now but I could easily fall back into it. That had a big part to play in how I could keep such a big glyph opperation going for so long.
I remember talking about it to my wife about what I was doing. I basicly said I was spending more time doing this than anyone else possibly could. A good deal of the time was 1/2 afk.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Abyssal Shatter Profit Calculation
Using the numbers over at WoWenomics, I came up with this calculation.
ID * 9.79 * .3047 + CE * 2.99 * .6953 = Abyssal break even value
For ID, CE, and Abyssal use the market price for the item. Infinite dust is 4.5g, Cosmic Essence is 15g, and I do not know the Abyssal crystal price. If I put those numbers in to the equation, it puts my abyssal crystal value at 44.6G. That sounds very close to what I think it should be.
If you get GE from the shatter, its average value is 44.85g. If you get ID from the shatter, its average value is 44.06g. I found that very interesting that it balanced that well.
Remember these values are per per server. So plug your values into the calculation for yourself.
Why do glyphs fallback?
I know I have very close to full coverage (I am 9 glyphs from having them all). I know not all my competition has every one of them, but there are enough players that everything is covered by several posters. With me posting as hard as I am, and them posting as hard as they are, how can glyphs randomly post at fall back prices with that much coverage?
This is a side effect of QA and heavy undercutting with long posting periods. As the price gets lower and lower, eventually it reaches the point where only one person is willing to post at that price. To QA, this glyph is now under the threshold for everyone else. QA will now skip this glyphs until the price goes back up. Either the low priced ones get purchased or they expire. If they expire, every glyph that was above that one will expire first.
This glyph becomes that last one. It holds everyone out of posting that glyphs until it disappears. Once it is gone from the AH, the next person is open to post at whatever price they want. Someone who works hard to reset the price of glyphs will see this loner and reset the market. But those people don't take the time at every posting to do that.
The colors on the left indicate the value of the glyph. Red is near cost, orange is minimal profit, and green is all the mark up. Everyone undercuts in the green area, few will do so in the orange. This will cause many glyphs to cycle in price over and over. The worse the glyph is, the more often the glyph will cycle like this.
Buyers will bring some stability to glyphs and slow the cycle. Also someone liquidating leveling glyphs (they are not using QA anyway) will hold those down longer. But there are several lukewarm glyphs from research and books that will do this.
I do not expect every server to see this. For the longest time, I was the main cause of this effect on my server. Some things like this I don't do as aggressively anymore. But it was a nice way to passively reset the glyph market when I did do that. All it takes is one person to post by hand or use some other logic to post glyphs with and that cycle can be interrupted.
Monday, October 12, 2009
DKP: Under Bidding
When I picked up my Trophy of the Crusades I had a good deal of data to work with. This drops 5 times a raid and its easy to get a feel for the trend of an item when it drops that often and so many people need it. In a bid system, the cost reflects supply and demand. The same people that need the first 2-3 trophies will need the last 4-5 of the night. Except for the people that won already. Many people will not bid on the 1st to see what it goes for.
Here is how the night played out that I picked up 2 in the same run.
I bid 50 on the first drop and it was won for 51 points. This tells everyone that someone bid 50 for it. That first person could have dropped over 9 thousand on it and still would have got it for 51 points. I think about things like this. When the 2nd one dropped, I know someone else knew someone bid 50 for it. People hate to see things go cheap to someone else. They can either bid to win it and give the other person a chance to get it much cheaper later. Leaving them with points they can spend over you on something else.
Or they can under bid you to make you spend the most possible. If someone were to bid 49, then that other person would have to spend the full 50 points to get it. He would get no discount like he would if it was uncontested. Can anyone guess what I bid the 2nd time? Knowing that someone was likely to bid 49 to hold that bid of 50 up, I bid 48 instead.
That item was won for 49 points. They easily could have bid 51 or 50, I have no way to know that. But if he was trying to play a game with my points I was able to dodge it. On the 3rd and 4th drop, I bid 47 points and won it for 41.
By watching and playing with the bids on the first 2 drops, I was able to save 16 or more points. I never bid more than I am willing to spend on an item. So its not the same as bidding 1 under someone else on an item that I don't want. If we catch people doing that we will take action. But dipping my bid a little bit to make someone else pay for it first is fair game. I will get it or someone else will get it. How soon and for how much is still up to me.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thanks for the trafic
Greedy Goblin
The Happy Scribe
Phase 3 Profit
Gnomes Conquest
Hit The Cap
Selling more Vender Items
Green Dye, 2xRune Thread, Blacksmith Hammer, and a Weak Flux.
These sales just don't stop. I figured it was a one time thing. Kind of a fluke. Here are some other things I sold.
Simple Flour 3g, 3xCoal 1g, and 3xRune Thread 5g (people are under cutting me now) are not pictured. I got tired of clipping the shots and posting them. I think that rune thread sells better than some of my glyphs. Thats 8 rune thread that I have sold in the AH this week.
Hacked: the Authenticator
This is not the first time we have had a guild member get an account hacked. I don't recal it ever happening to another officer. But my hack got everyone's attention. Partialy because of all the stuff and gold involved, but also because I'm one of the last people they ever expected to get hacked.
Our guild now requires all officers to have an authenticator. Anyone that can invite must have one. Officers usualy have a higher allowance to take stuff out of guild banks. When that cap is reached, sometimes its possible to invite a character and promote them up for bank access.
A close friend of mine maintains a small guild on the side also put this rule into place. So if you are reading this now and you don't have one, it is time to go get one.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
133,000 in the guild fund and another 11,758 on my characters.
My expenses have been a little higher with the amount of gear I have been getting in raids. I decided to make my 2nd spec shadow and have started maintaining that gear like it was my main set. Full enchants and gems the same day I get it (or before the next raid).
My big investment just before my account hack was Tankard O' terror. I paid 600G each for 23 of them and some how ended up with only 18 after the recovery. If I just eat that cost, it puts my price per tankard at 766G each for a total investment of 13,800g.
Herb prices have been high so I have invested a bit of gold to keep them up. When the market gets dry, I push it up harder. I know I have the inventory to hold out when I do that. My Snowfall buyer got a good deal this week, except that I was not able to produce all that much ink for him.
I just used 46 stacks of ink to craft my glyphs. So it looks like I am getting my rhythm back with the glyphs.
Friday, October 9, 2009
DKP: Trophy of the Crusade
He had no emblems and spent everything on this token he could not use for a while. The next one went for 20 points, that's 20% of the value of the first trophy. The other people that won the next few were people that didn't have many points. Some of those purchases were questionable. "Are you really going to let him take that" and my response was that they should have spent more points if it was worth that much. But that's issue for another time.
I sat down and did the math. For the people that only did 25 man raids, they would get 15 emblems per week. In 4 weeks, everyone would have enough to turn in a trophy. Before that point nobody needed a trophy because they could not turn it in. At the prices they saw, they could pick them up when needed and save points for serious items.
Only 5 trophies drop per week. So after 5 weeks, the guild would see 25 trophies. Just a moment ago I said everyone would need a trophy in 4 weeks. So we get badges at a rate faster than trophies. Close to that 4-5 week mark, everyone will be looking to get a trophy. Demand will increase.
I picked up as many of those as fast as I could. I was able to get the 3rd and 4th trophy before I had the emblems to turn in the 3rd. I end up saving a lot of points that way. I was telling people that the price was about to go up but they held off waiting for them to go down more. I picked up my last 2 in the same raid back to back for 41 points each.
Last night I turned in my 4th trophy and the value of them was +80 points each. And everyone is talking about how much they want one.
Access to more emblems in 10 man normal and heroic was also a factor. I think some people spent them for the T9 and other items. The T9.25 pieces are all they have left to spent them on now. I was able to pick the price I wanted to pay. I bid just low enough to conserve points and pick them up when the price was right. When they were going for 1 point over my bid, I knew I was in that target price. Now the people that want one almost have to max bid to get it.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Getting back into things
I'm going to step down as the guys that controls the glyph market. I put in my time and I made my gold. I am not walking away from it as much as cutting the amount of time I devote to it. One way is to not sell as many cheap glyphs. So I am going to raise my threshold a little bit. Everyone else can battle out at the bottom. But I will be there on the glyphs that can't be held down or when the prices bounce up or gets reset.
One of the big advantages I had with glyphs was time and patience. I had several things pop up the last 2 weeks that pulled me away from the AH when I would normally be posting and reposting. I just did not have the time. Now that I am getting some of that time back, I think I want to devote it to new areas of the AH. Try and make each chunk of time dedicated to something different, other than just relisting glyphs.
After a few weeks, I will know what is and is not working. I can make some adjustments from that. I am also going to change how much information I give about the things I am working. I love to share information but it also introduces those things to my competition. It makes it hard to tell you how well it worked when I spoiled my results by sharing the information too soon.
When I discover a new market, I will toss it into the queue about 3 weeks out. When I see it publish, I will follow it up with my results.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
WTS Rune Thread 8G, pst

Inscription: Step by Step Guide
2) talk to an auctioneer
3) type adder's tongue in search box
4) click search
5) buy some of those
6) walk to mailbox
7) open mailbox
8) get everything out of mailbox into bags
9) mill all herbs
10) make ink of the sea
11) make snowfall ink
12) walk to inscription vendor
13) buy some parchment
14) make some glyphs
15) if you run out of parchment, go to step 13
16) if you run out of ink, go to step 1
17) walk to auction house
18) talk to an auctioneer
19) post glyphs on ah to sell
20) post snowfall ink on ah to sell
21) if you sold some glyphs, go to step 1
22) cancel glyphs that have been undercut
23) go to mailbox
24) collect glyphs from mailbox
25) send hate mail to people that undercut you
26) go to step 17
Hacked: How does it feel?

My heart stopped. I didn't know what to think. At first I was thinking about all that gold I lost. About all the time I put into gathering it. Same for my investments. I was shocked as I looked at everything that was missing. Once I got to my main, I could care less about the gold.
I was disappointed at the shape my raider was in. That was the one important thing in this game to me. The other is the impact it will have on the other raiders from the stuff taken from the guild bank. It puts a big damper on my reason to play the game.
It made me feel a little lost.
I decided not to get mad about it. Someone hit the jackpot with my account. But I expect they have cleaned out many accounts before mine. I was just another score and life will go on. I hate to think someone targeted me. For as much as I give back to people, it would hurt to think one of my readers did it.
I was a little embarrassed about it for two reasons. One that I am a computer guy that know his stuff. I should have been able to spot this before it happened. I now had to admit to everyone that I was hacked. The other is that I already had the authenticator in my pocket. I never took the time to set it up.
I was a little frustrated that makes me use a email for login and a weak password (by my standards). This has frustrated me before, but more so now. I could just be looking for someone to blame other than myself.
I have faith in Blizzard. I expect that this is an issue they deal with all the time. They are smart enough to have ways to recover accounts. I reported this within 4 hours and did not make any trade/gold/auction house transactions. I expect I will not get everything back like I would want but I will be thankful for what I do get.
I was dreading a long recovery. I did immediately opened a ticket, but could only stay online for so long. So this was how I was feeling that first day before I even talked to a GM that evening. What a long day that was.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hacked: How could this happen to me?
I don't truly know how this happened. My only guess is that I reused the same password too much. I have several strong passwords but once I switched over to, I could not longer use them. So I fell back on my more generic password I use for web stuff. And now that makes your account name your email address, all they need to figure out is the password.
This password is still strong, just not as strong as the others. It is unguessable and immune to dictionary attacks. To crack the actual password a computer would have to fall back on trying every combination possible. So someone had to grab the password. This leaves a website leak or keylogger.
If it was anyone else, I would say keylogger. That is why I do not share my account with people. I can trust myself not to fall for a keylogger, just not anyone else. I am a true computer person. I am usually the person people talk to that removes the really hard to get spyware. I teach people how to avoid it and what to watch for. My computers are clean of any spyware. The one time I thought I got infected ( I saw media player pop out of some pop ups and crash), I Just rebuild the computer.
This brings me back to other websites. I am not going to get into pointing at sites here, but there are 2 that come to mind. Places where I recently registered and in the last few day made some posts about making gold. I would expect one of those sites has a backdoor and is leaking information. I don't think the people running them would dare to do something like that.
It is also possible that my new visibility on those othe forums prompted someone to dig deeper into other sites I have registered with. One of those could easily be running out of date forum software that someone recently discovered a hack for.
The thing is I already had an authenticator in my pocket. I was not in any rush to set if up because I figured it would never happen to me. I figured wrong.
Update: I got thinking about what Blizzard would be looking at on my account. One thing would be account sharing. I don't do that, but logging in from ip addresses in different geolocations came to mind. And it just so happens that I was out of town a week ago. One night I used the computer of a relative that had so much spyware on it the computer that I wanted to pull my hair out waiting for it. So may toolbars in IE. I ended up installing firefox. I made a post on the guild website that I would miss the raid and I trolled the Blizzard forums a bit. Just as I am over confident that I do not have a key logger on my computers, I am over confident that my relative's computer has several of them.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hacked: The true value of things
The gear on my alts missing maked it a pain to play them while my account is restored. That is the logical thing to do. I will had to rebuild my guilds and specialty bags that all the characters had. The gold at first felt like a loss, but it really the least valuable thing I had to me.
All is not lost. All of my professions are were good (and my months of inscription research). So all the tricks I used to make the gold I had were still available to me. Of the 10 chars on my account the last 2 where my glyph posting alts. They did take the time to clear out the other 2 glyph sellers higher on the list, the only things these guys had were glyphs. I think because the vendor value is so low and they spend so much time on my account so far, that they just left them. These 2 alts contained the glyphs that make me gold.
They also did not cancel my glyph auctions. I only checked the one glyph alt and he had 600 auctions still up. I did the math and it would have taken them 12 min of mailbox time to collect those. So the glyphs where not worth their time. I am glad they have such a low vendor value.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Hacked: What was recovered?
They did give me a detailed list of the items recovered. Before you read over it, I do want to say I dont do very good housekeeping. So there is a good deal of junk in there I should have cleaned out a long time ago.
Character 1
Money Restored: 6591g 34s 96c
Item(s) Restored: [11] Emblem of Triumph [30] Emblem of Triumph [70] Emblem of Heroism [80] Emblem of Heroism [124] Emblem of Valor [180] Emblem of Valor [225] Emblem of Conquest [1] Glacial Bag [1] Dragon Hide Bag [1] Frostweave Bag [1] Frostweave Bag [1] Nightseye [1] Seaspray Emerald [1] Empowered Monarch Topaz [1] Empowered Monarch Topaz [1] Empowered Monarch Topaz [1] Misty Forest Emerald [1] Balanced Twilight Opal [1] Sundered Forest Emerald [1] Pristine Monarch Topaz [1] Defender's Twilight Opal [1] Tireless Skyflare Diamond [1] Tireless Skyflare Diamond [1] Misty Forest Emerald [1] Brilliant Autumn's Glow [1] Sparkling Sky Sapphire [1] Balanced Twilight Opal [1] Balanced Twilight Opal [1] Balanced Twilight Opal [1] Crusader's Square Pauldrons [1] Wristguards of Verdant Recovery [1] Epaulets of Market Row [1] Epaulets of Market Row [1] Shimmerthread Girdle [1] Girdle of the Mystical Prison [1] Copper Ore [1] Super Mana Potion [1] Eight of Prisms [1] Dream Signet [1] Two of Prisms [1] Wristguards of Verdant Recovery [1] Dragon Prow Amulet [1] Bands of Fading Light [1] Boots of Savagery [1] Six of Prisms [1] Misty Forest Emerald [1] Misty Forest Emerald [1] Misty Forest Emerald [1] Misty Forest Emerald [1] Misty Forest Emerald [1] Dazzling Forest Emerald [1] Band of Renewal [1] Trophy of the Crusade [1] Reforged Chain Leggings [1] Netherweave Bag [1] Fetish of Volatile Power [1] Cloak of the Dying [1] Cowl of Icy Breaths [1] Raiments of Divine Authority [1] Lifegiver Britches [1] Mantle of Wavering Calm [1] Mantle of the Corrupted [1] Sympathetic Amice [1] Tankard O' Terror [1] Tankard O' Terror [1] Combustion Bracers [1] Siegesmith Bombs [1] Thunderstorm Amulet [1] Freya's Choker of Warding [1] Coronet of Transcendence [1] Scepter of Lost Souls [1] Icecore Staff [1] Stormtip [1] Spire of Sunset [1] Royal Moonshroud Bracers [1] Asimov's Drape [1] Icehowl Binding [1] Pendant of Binding Elements [1] Savior's Slippers [1] Emerald Signet Ring [1] Circle of the Darkmender [1] Spark of Hope [1] Ring of the Faithful Servant [1] Radiant Seal [1] Glacial Slippers [1] Looming Shadow Wraps [1] Looming Shadow Wraps [1] Overload Legwraps [1] Boots of the Crackling Flame [1] Distorted Limbs [1] Belt of the Eternal [1] Glacial Waistband [1] Sash of Solitude [1] Royal Moonshroud Robe [1] Heigan's Putrid Vestments [1] Glacial Robe [1] Battered Steam Tonk Controller [1] Spellweave Gloves [1] Gloves of the Lost Conqueror [1] Recipe: Mok'Nathal Shortribs [1] Bloody Surgeon's Mitts [1] Survivalist's Wand [1] Recipe: Buzzard Bites [1] Power Infused Mushroom [1] Desolation Rod [1] Recipe: Crunchy Serpent [1] Band of Renewal [1] Ring of the Fated [1] Cannoneer's Fuselighter [1] Njord Leggings [1] Tabard of the Kirin Tor [1] Tabard of the Argent Crusade [1] Shroud of the Citadel [1] Robes of Mutation [1] Frostsavage Cowl [1] Spellweave Robe [1] Alchemist's Cache [1] Alchemist's Cache [1] Illustration of the Dragon Soul [1] Intensity [1] Shadow Crystal [1] Quartz Crystal Wand [1] Forethought Talisman [1] Philosopher's Stone [1] Telestra's Journal [1] Twilight Opal [1] Scroll of Agility VII [1] Runic Mana Potion [1] Titanium Bar [2] Elixir of Mighty Thoughts [2] Elixir of Spirit [2] Star of Elune [2] Fel Iron Ore [2] Forest Emerald [2] Runic Mana Potion [2] Obsidian Warbeads [2] Talandra's Rose [2] Honeymint Tea [2] Kungaloosh [2] Cardinal Ruby [2] King's Amber [2] Titansteel Bar [3] Elixir of Mighty Mageblood [3] Elixir of Spirit [3] Crusty Flatbread [3] Crystallized Air [3] Huge Citrine [3] Leaded Vial [3] Frostweave Cloth [3] Eternal Shadow [4] Great Feast [4] Nether Vortex [4] Runic Healing Potion [4] Frozen Mojo [4] Flask of Stoneblood [5] Elixir of Mighty Agility [5] Primal Nether [5] Volatile Healing Potion [5] Spellpower Elixir [5] Eternal Earth [5] Eternal Fire [6] Elixir of Mighty Fortitude [6] Tiger Lily [6] Dream Shard [7] Crystallized Earth [7] Mudskunk Lure [7] Dampscale Basilisk Eye [8] Eternal Water [8] Crystallized Shadow [8] Devout Candle [8] Frost Lotus [9] Adder's Tongue [9] Crystallized Fire [9] Abyss Crystal [10] Pygmy Oil [10] Gigantic Feast [10] Potion of Wild Magic [10] Great Feast [10] Relic of Ulduar [10] Potion of Nightmares [10] Powerful Rejuvenation Potion [10] Flask of the Frost Wyrm [10] Potion of Speed [10] Gigantic Feast [10] Feltail Delight [10] Borean Leather [10] Icethorn [10] Frost Lotus [12] Icy Dragonscale [12] Crazy Alchemist's Potion [13] Netherweave Cloth [14] Icy Dragonscale [14] Black Dragonscale [14] Imbued Vial [14] Crusader Orb [15] Cobalt Ore [15] Leaded Vial [15] Succulent Orca Stew [16] Lichbloom [16] Frostweave Cloth [16] Crystal Vial [16] Runed Orb [17] Hearty Rhino [17] Pygmy Oil [18] Pygmy Oil [18] Flask of the Frost Wyrm [18] Sky Sapphire [19] Pygmy Oil [20] Jormungar Scale [20] Glacial Salmon [20] Glacial Salmon [20] Cobalt Ore [20] Glacial Salmon [20] Glacial Salmon [20] Icy Dragonscale [20] Saronite Ore [20] Titanium Ore [20] Cobalt Ore [20] Nerubian Chitin [20] Critter Bites [20] Pickled Fangtooth [20] Critter Bites [20] Critter Bites [20] Critter Bites [20] Hearty Rhino [20] Critter Bites [20] Critter Bites [20] Small Feast [20] Pickled Fangtooth [20] Critter Bites [20] Feltail Delight [20] Mudskunk Lure [20] Borean Leather [20] Rugged Leather [20] Potion of Wild Magic [20] Pygmy Oil [20] Rugged Leather [20] Adder's Tongue [20] Tiger Lily [20] Pygmy Oil [20] Heavy Netherweave Bandage [20] Chunk o' Basilisk [20] Devout Candle [20] Honeymint Tea [20] Abyss Crystal [20] Abyss Crystal [20] Abyss Crystal [20] Twilight Opal [26] Unidentified Plant Parts [82] Vrykul Bones [123] Drakkari Offerings
Character 2
Money Restored: 3419g 32s 20c
Item(s) Restored: [30] Emblem of Triumph [50] Emblem of Heroism [50] Emblem of Heroism [54] Emblem of Conquest [84] Emblem of Valor [1] Runic Mana Potion [1] Toy Dragon [1] Legplates of the Lost Conqueror [1] Guild Tabard [1] Insane Strength Potion [1] Arcanite Ripper [1] Lesser Cosmic Essence [1] Libram of Discord [1] Valorous Redemption Shoulderplates [1] Valorous Aegis Gauntlets [1] Mirror of Truth [1] Ring of Invincibility [1] Valorous Redemption Gloves [1] Valorous Redemption Shoulderguards [1] Waistguard of the Tutor [1] Breastplate of the Afterlife [1] Dragon Brood Legguards [1] Breastplate of Tormented Rage [1] Heritage [1] Chestplate of the Great Aspects [1] The Egg of Mortal Essence [1] Medallion of the Disgraced [1] Valorous Redemption Greaves [1] Valorous Redemption Legguards [1] Valorous Redemption Breastplate [1] Gauntlets of Guiding Touch [1] Valorous Redemption Spaulders [1] Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 [1] Legacy of Thunder [1] Death-Inured Sabatons [1] Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller [1] Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade [1] Regal Protectorate [1] Valorous Aegis Greaves [1] Jack-o'-Lantern [1] Valorous Redemption Tunic [1] Onyxia Scale Cloak [1] Valorous Bonescythe Legplates [1] Piccolo of the Flaming Fire [1] Leggings of the Lost Conqueror [1] Figurine of the Colossus [1] Spark of Life [1] Libram of Renewal [1] Shoulderplates of the Eternal [1] Valorous Redemption Gauntlets [1] Valorous Redemption Legplates [1] Gloves of the Lost Conqueror [1] Chestguard of the Lost Conqueror [1] Valorous Redemption Chestpiece [1] Pauldrons of Tempered Will [1] Helm of the Corrupted Mind [1] Helm of Diminished Pride [1] Platehelm of the Great Wyrm [1] Valorous Redemption Faceguard [1] Valorous Redemption Headpiece [1] Tempered Titansteel Helm [1] Spiked Titansteel Helm [1] Icy Scale Belt [1] Spaulders of the Wayward Conqueror [1] Girdle of Unity [1] Shoulderguards of the Solemn Watch [1] Grim Toll [1] Cloak of the Shadowed Sun [1] Shadow of the Ghoul [1] Signet of the Impregnable Fortress [1] Loatheb's Shadow [1] Defender's Code [1] Runed Eternium Rod [1] Libram of Radiance [1] Libram of Resurgence [1] Titansteel Shield Wall [1] Libram of Obstruction [1] Aegis of Damnation [1] Obsidian Greathelm [1] Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal [1] Favor of the Dragon Queen [1] Crazed Construct Ring [1] Girdle of Razuvious [1] Pride of the Kor'kron [1] Cloak of the Dying [1] Drape of the Deadly Foe [1] Greatring of Collision [1] Bindings of the Hapless Prey [1] Flamewatch Armguards [1] Icy Scale Boots [1] Conqueror's Aegis Legplates [1] Sand-Worn Band [1] Rune of Repulsion [1] Gauntlets of the Disobedient [1] Libram of Tolerance [1] Kyzoc's Ground Stompers [1] Rescinding Grips [1] Heroes' Redemption Handguards [1] Rescinding Grips [1] Faithful Steel Sabatons [1] Adamant Handguards [1] Zeliek's Gauntlets [1] Ruthlessness [1] Darkmoon Card: Greatness [1] Betrayer of Humanity [1] Bracers of Unrelenting Attack [1] Melancholy Sabatons [1] Faithful Steel Sabatons [1] Brass-lined Boots [1] Waistguard of Divine Grace [1] Pendant of Binding Elements [1] Life and Death [1] Chains of Adoration [1] Armbands of the Construct [1] Ring of the Fated [1] Band of Guile [1] Strong Fishing Pole [1] Iceborne Wristguards [1] Borean Armor Kit [1] Crystallized Fire [1] Nerubian Chestguard [1] Barricade of Eternity [1] Legplates of Redeemed Blood [1] Fractured Scarlet Ruby [1] Fractured Scarlet Ruby [1] Scroll of Enchant Staff - Spellpower [1] Empowered Monarch Topaz [1] Glimmering Monarch Topaz [1] Fractured Scarlet Ruby [2] Morning Glory Dew [2] Elixir of Mighty Strength [2] Super Mana Potion [2] Onslaught Elixir [2] Borean Leather Scraps [2] Crystallized Shadow [2] Borean Leather [3] Infinite Dust [3] Crystallized Air [4] Symbol of Divinity [5] Knothide Armor Kit [5] Runic Healing Potion [5] Potion of Speed [6] Flask of the Frost Wyrm [10] Iceweb Spider Silk [13] Runic Mana Potion [15] Heavy Borean Leather [16] Symbol of Kings [18] Honeymint Tea [19] Honeymint Tea [19] Flask of the Frost Wyrm [20] Heavy Borean Leather [20] Star's Sorrow [20] Netherweave Cloth [38] Drakkari Offerings [108] Vrykul Bones
Character 3
Gold Restored: 1885g 75s 15c
Item(s) Restored: [1] Flashing Bloodstone [1] Precise Bloodstone [1] Guardian's Shadow Crystal [1] Resolute Huge Citrine [1] Luminous Huge Citrine [1] Sundered Dark Jade [1] Sparkling Chalcedony [1] Smooth Golden Draenite [1] Frostweave Bag [1] Netherweave Bag [1] Netherweave Bag [1] Frostweave Bag [1] Subtle Bloodstone [1] Brilliant Golden Draenite [1] Brilliant Golden Draenite [1] Brilliant Golden Draenite [1] Glinting Huge Citrine [1] Eternium Thread [1] Regal Shadow Crystal [1] Infused Shadow Crystal [1] Lustrous Chalcedony [1] Potent Huge Citrine [1] Gloves of Banished Infliction [1] Kilix's Silk Slippers [1] Sash of the Nibbling Plague [1] Shimmering Cold-Iron Band [1] Vial of Renewal [1] Ogre Slayer's Cover [1] Nesingwary Safari Stick [1] D.E.H.T.A. Overshirt [1] Giant Turtle Collar [1] Transborean Bracers [1] Jeweler's Kit [1] Simple Grinder [1] Caribou Waistband [1] Super Healing Potion [1] Wildevar Belt [1] Thunder Capacitor [1] Drakkari Offerings [1] Bloodberry Elixir [1] Mender's Heart-Ring [1] The Legend of the Horn [1] Seafarer Boots [1] Malefic Girdle [2] Ebonweave [2] Citrine [2] Bolt of Netherweave [3] Pungent Seal Whey [4] Adept's Elixir [5] Titanium Powder [5] Crystallized Water [9] Frostweave Cloth [17] Honey-Spiced Lichen [19] Sour Goat Cheese [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Sour Goat Cheese [20] Netherweave Cloth [20] Netherweave Cloth [24] Mark of Kil'jaeden
Character 4
Restored: 423g 56s 23c Item(s)
Restored: [1] Glyph of Command [1] Fireheart Skullcap [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Bladefist's Breadth [1] Mok'Nathal Clan Ring [1] Smoky Quartz Ring [1] Flayer-Hide Leggings [1] Hiddenite Necklace [1] Glyph of Corruption [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Scout's Hood [1] Perfectly Balanced Cape [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Virtuoso Inking Set [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Vest of Vengeance [1] Frostweave Bag [1] Expedition Repeater [1] Pilgrim's Belt [1] Netherweave Bag [1] Netherweave Bag [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Bracers of Finesse [1] Pack of Endless Pockets [1] Sure-Step Boots [1] Dreghood Gloves [2] Glyph of Water Mastery [2] Weapon Vellum III [2] Glyph of Stormstrike [3] Glyph of Thunder [3] Glyph of Hamstring [3] Glyph of Riptide [4] Glyph of Vigilance [5] Glyph of Curse of Agony [5] Glyph of the Penguin [6] Glyph of Death Coil [7] Glyph of Siphon Life [7] Glyph of Mirror Image [7] Glyph of Mocking Blow [8] Glyph of Frost Armor [8] Glyph of Fear [8] Glyph of Healing Stream Totem [9] Glyph of Remove Curse [10] Glyph of Ice Block [10] Glyph of Arcane Explosion [10] Glyph of Healthstone [10] Glyph of Healing Wave [10] Glyph of Succubus [10] Glyph of Sweeping Strikes [11] Glyph of Shocking [11] Glyph of Victory Rush [12] Glyph of Lightning Shield [12] Glyph of Ice Armor [13] Glyph of Ice Lance [13] Glyph of Mage Armor [13] Glyph of Frost Nova [13] Glyph of Searing Pain [13] Glyph of Fire Blast [13] Glyph of Blink [13] Glyph of Hex [13] Glyph of Elemental Mastery [13] Glyph of Cleaving [13] Glyph of Overpower [13] Glyph of Mana Tide Totem [13] Glyph of Barbaric Insults [14] Glyph of Blast Wave [14] Glyph of Health Funnel [14] Glyph of Imp [14] Glyph of Voidwalker [14] Glyph of Invisibility [14] Glyph of Sunder Armor [14] Glyph of Frost Shock [15] Glyph of Siphon Life [15] Glyph of Fire Nova Totem [16] Glyph of Arcane Power [16] Glyph of Taunt [17] Glyph of Lava Lash [18] Glyph of Siphon Life [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Tiger Lily [20] Tiger Lily [20] Tiger Lily [20] Tiger Lily [20] Tiger Lily [20] Tiger Lily
Character 5
Money Restored: 735g 15s 90c
Item(s) Restored: [6] Deadnettle [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Deadnettle [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Deadnettle [20] Icethorn [20] Tiger Lily [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Icethorn [20] Tiger Lily [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Tiger Lily [20] Tiger Lily [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Lichbloom [20] Icethorn [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Tiger Lily [20] Tiger Lily [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Deadnettle [20] Tiger Lily
Character 6
Money Restored: 166g 93s 10c
Item(s) Restored: [1] Sun Crystal [1] Frostweave Cloth [1] Traveler's Backpack [1] Crystallized Earth [1] Eye of Zul [2] Mageweave Cloth [2] Ametrine [2] Spellweave [3] Eternium Thread [3] Sky Sapphire [3] Ebonweave [3] Eternal Fire [4] Star Ruby [4] Moonshroud [5] Bolt of Imbued Frostweave [6] Saronite Ore [7] Runecloth [7] Netherweave Cloth [8] Eternal Water [9] Chalcedony [10] Long Elegant Feather [11] Bolt of Netherweave [12] Lichbloom [12] Shadow Crystal [13] Scarlet Ruby [13] Forest Emerald [13] Autumn's Glow [14] Monarch Topaz [15] Twilight Opal [15] Huge Citrine [16] Ink of the Sea [19] Bloodstone [19] Dark Jade [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Frostweave Cloth [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Runecloth [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Runecloth [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Runecloth [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Frostweave Cloth [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Bolt of Netherweave [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Goldclover [20] Goldclover [20] Goldclover [20] Goldclover [20] Goldclover [20] Huge Citrine [20] Dark Jade [20] Huge Citrine [20] Forest Emerald [20] Sky Sapphire [20] Ink of the Sea [20] Dark Jade [20] Huge Citrine [20] Dark Jade [20] Chalcedony [20] Bloodstone [20] Ink of the Sea
Character 7
Money Restored: 2840g 41s 60c
Item(s) Restored: [1] Glyph of Divine Plea [1] Glyph of Exorcism [1] Glyph of the Wise [1] Glyph of Life Tap [1] Glyph of Lava [1] Glyph of Renewed Life [1] Glyph of Earth Shield [1] Glyph of Soul Link [1] Glyph of Soul Link [1] Glyph of Vanish [1] Glyph of Blurred Speed [1] Glyph of Safe Fall [1] Glyph of Killing Spree [1] Glyph of Lay on Hands [1] Glyph of Judgement [1] Glyph of Devastate [1] Glyph of Mend Pet [1] Glyph of Life Tap [1] Glyph of Incinerate [1] Glyph of Mutilate [1] Glyph of Cloak of Shadows [1] Glyph of Arcane Blast
Character 8
Money Restored: 170g 39s 87c
Character 9
Money Restored: 1000g 00s 00c
Character 10
Money Restored: 3090g 07s 96c
Item(s) Restored:[1] Crystalsong Bracelets[1] Ulduar Gauntlets[1] Dark Jade[1] Wyrmskull Bracers[1] Icy Dragonscale[1] Eternal Water[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Ace of Prisms[1] Three of Prisms[1] Five of Prisms[1] Runic Mana Potion[1] Eight of Prisms[1] Seven of Undeath[1] Two of Prisms[1] Glyph of Seal of Vengeance[1] Huge Citrine[1] Belt of Valor[1] Tracker's Balanced Knives[1] Skettis Bracer[1] Hardened Steel Shield[1] Horrorblood Treads[1] Coldwraith Bindings[1] Necropolis Girdle[1] Pygmy Belt[1] Bloodfist Greaves[1] Lapidis Tankard of Tidesippe[1] Guillotine Axe[1] Two of Nobles[1] Deadly Monarch Topaz[1] Deadly Monarch Topaz[1] Accurate Monarch Topaz[1] Accurate Monarch Topaz[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Majestic Zircon[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Dreadstone[1] Eternal Fire[1] Icebane Treads[1] Icebane Treads[1] Icebane Girdle[1] Icebane Girdle[1] Icebane Chestguard[1] Icebane Chestguard[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Netherweave Bag[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Tankard O' Terror[1] Abyss Crystal[2] Shadow Crystal[2] Midnight Ink[2] Light Armor Kit[2] Ivory Ink[2] Five of Chaos[2] Ace of Chaos[2] Crystallized Life[2] Eternal Water[2] Spellweave[3] Six of Undeath[3] Three of Chaos[3] Four of Prisms[3] Earthsiege Diamond[3] Autumn's Glow[4] Goldclover[4] Seven of Prisms[4] Saronite Ore[5] Bloodstone[5] Runic Healing Potion[6] Saronite Ore[7] Crystallized Air[7] Ink of the Sea[7] Bloodstone[7] Monarch Topaz[8] Darkflame Ink[8] Resilient Parchment[8] Dreamless Sleep Potion[8] Crystallized Fire[8] Crystallized Earth[8] Borean Leather[8] Sun Crystal[8] Majestic Zircon[9] Crystallized Shadow[9] Small Dream Shard[10] Heavy Parchment[12] Frostweave Cloth[13] Dawnstar Ink[14] Hunter's Ink[14] Flask of the Frost Wyrm[15] Light Feather[16] Common Parchment[18] Light Parchment[19] Frost Lotus[20] Frostweave Cloth[20] Icy Dragonscale[20] Icy Dragonscale[20] Saronite Ore[20] Frostweave Cloth[20] Frostweave Cloth[20] Frostweave Cloth[20] Frostweave Cloth[20] Dark Jade[20] Huge Citrine[20] Sun Crystal[20] Huge Citrine[20] Sun Crystal[20] Sun Crystal[20] Dark Jade[20] Shadow Crystal[20] Void Crystal[20] Tiger Lily[20] Small Dream Shard[20] Forest Emerald[20] Cobalt Ore[20] Sky Sapphire[20] Icethorn[20] Icethorn[20] Sky Sapphire[1] Soul Essence[1] Cobalt Ore[1] Small Dream Shard[2] Tiger Lily[2] Frost Lotus[3] Goldclover[5] Crystallized Air[6] Crystallized Water[16] Deadnettle
Update 1: I contacted them and they are still looking into my gold. The email they sent made it sound like they were done and this was it. They told me that dealing with such a large gold amount does take longer.
Update 2: 2 more characters were restored so I added them to the post. I also got 108,000 gold back that was on one of my guild banks. Our GM was also mailed the 5,000g that was taken from my raiding guild. I beleive the recovery is over now. Thank you Blizzard.
Keyword: Skillet Macro
/click SkilletStartQueueButton
Just put it in a macro and place it in your action bar. Then you can press that hotkey to continue the queue.
My keyword series is to help people find what they are looking for when a keyword brings them to this blog. The only other thing I think they could be looking for is my Kevtool Queue mod that auto queues items in skillet.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Lots of idiots this week
I got my first hate tells this week from someone that was furious with me over crashing the glyph market. I have been at this for 3 months now. I even took a partial break last week because I was out of town. I don't know what prompted this all of a sudden.
I was trying to buy something in trade. I clearly posted my 600g price in the trade spam. This person whispered me they had one for me. I invited them to group and they said 1000G. I said 600g again and they yell at me they would not sell it to me for 10,000g. I was curious as to what set him off. He was mad I drove the prices down. You can read that conversation for yourself.
I sold 3 parchments to the same guy on the AH. That brings my parchment sales up to 6 for the week. I can't decide if I should raise the price to get more out of the sales, or drop the price to get more sales.
I was buying things in trade for 600G each. Someone responded that they have one for me and the trade chat comment under his whisper was someone else buying the same thing for 700G. I thought I was going to miss the buy but this guy tossed me an invite and sold it to me. I don't think he ever saw it.
Also had some guild drama that I would love to share, but I don't think this is the place for it. Basically we demoted a long time member to social and they ended up canceling their account over it. It was just a guild rank change and they put more value on it then we did.
Update1: I have to add myself to this list. I already had this post in the queue before this hapened. I picked up a Blizzard Authenticator not that long ago and never activated it. Someone got my password and cleaned out everything on my characters.
Update2: I had an issue with my screen shot. Can't decide if its the preview messing it up so it posts and still looks like crap, I will rehost the image someplace.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Hacked: From Ritches to Rags
It was strange my first day as a broke person. I did not do any gold transactions. I had a few auctions that sold sitting in my mailbox from after the hack. I had too many glyphs up for them to cancel. I wanted to make sure there was a nice clean break in whatever logs they looked at. Make it easy for them the help me.
After the initial shock was gone, I am fairly light hearted about it. With my guild I have to be able to laugh about it and we did. They even let me raid on my 1/2 nude character. We had fun with it. I told the officers and word spread a bit about what happened but not everyone really knew the details.
We started the raid night on Anub (we left him up the night before so people would show up the next day). They had me in and out of the group several times as we set up who was going. I had almost nothing, so I should not be there right. Well someone had a bad connection so I ended up in the raid. We joked about my situation lightly. We were buffing to pull and someone mentioned to me that I still have my lance equipped.
I made the comment "Its all I have, did you guys even inspect my gear". All of vent was in laughter over it. I had emblem and honor pieces with my lance equipped. T9.25 shoulder, gloves, pants. T8 helm and chest. some pvp pieces. You can check out my character while I wait for my gear. I found those bracers and wand after the raid. So I was raiding with 7 empty gear slots.
I felt good that I was able to pull 1,800 dps with my low 1500 spellpower, no hit, and small mana pool. I got to be 3rd heal in a 10 ToC later last night. I could swap specs and not change gear.
Another funny moment came when we were headed to Ony 25 after the raid. I got on my pally that had a solid set of PvP gear from a few seasons ago. Well, he was still missing 8 pieces of gear. Anyway, I was stuck in org and figured I would wait for a summon. When summons started, a person made the comment about all the people too lazy to fly down. I responded with "Some of us can't afford the flight".
Everyone has beed a great sport about it. My ticket has been esclated now and I have an authenticator active.
Hacked: What if it was all gone?
It is an interesting experience as I just found out yesterday. I log into wow to do my quick ah posts of the morning and my pally is wearing that flaming skull helm from the Haloween boss in SM and is in a set of armor that matches. This is from the character select screen and its just strange. I highlight my priest and his gear looks a little off and he has the lance equipped.
I selected my pally and logged in. I was wondering if I was dpsing in the wrong set last night. I don't pally him much and used the equipment manager to get his gear last night. But I remember my dps was good. It still has not clicked with me what happened as I wait for Dalaran to load. It could just be a display bug.
I get into the game and pull up the character screen to find him in that helm and in my PvP gear. I for a moment thought it was someone playing a trick on me, but nobody else has that account info. I looked to my bags and I had none, just a hearthstone in the backpack. It was at that point it started to sink in. I checked my guild tab to see that I was not in one.
My first though was my main personal bank. I logged in to my scribe and he was also without bags and a guild. But wait, he was not the GM. I logged in my GM of that guild and he was also without a guild. That was a 5 tab bank with over 100,000G on it. One tab was full of herbs to be milled. When I am in high production, I use all 5 tabs but at the moment only had stuff in 2 of them.
I bounced to another banker of mine and he also lost his guild. That was a 3 tab bank containing about 22 Tankard's of Terror. I usually keep my long term investments in there but at this time it was fairly empty of anything worth much. A handful of epic gems, a few flasks, and probably 60 netherweave bags.
I jumped to my last banker with a guild and he still had it but it was empty. Both tabs were full of stuff. One was all ink of the sea stacks and the other was mostly bolts of netherweave. I had a little bit of the expensive cloths and mats for more cooldowns.
I got onto my main so see what was left. Any gear that could be sold was sold. I did have several tier pieces left. I was sitting at 2700 spellpower as shadow last night and had 1200 today. The gear on this character is the most important to me as he is my raider. wow-heroes had me ranked 2-3rd in the guild and 8-10 on the realm as a healer. My shadow rank was high among shadow priests, but that was mostly do to my healing pieces in the mix. Everything max gems and enchants. I had a trophy and was close to getting the emblems for my 4th t9.25 piece.
Then I thought about the guild's bank. I was an officer rank on 2 characters so they were able to take anything of value and another 10,000G. We were just starting to hand out crusader orbs to guild members. (We sold them as we got them and then restocked recently when the prices dropped). I hate how this is going to impact others.
I am going to start a new series on this topic over the next week.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Does your gold per hour add up
I mad this quick little chart to illustrate my point.
Someone could be making a killing working the AH. The gold per hour is great at first but as the day goes on and you have picked all the easy profits, you have to work harder to make more gold. The real profits were made when you first started.
Another person could just farm constantly. The gold per hour is no place close to that person working the AH when they start. But as time goes on there is a point where the farmer is making more gold in the same time as the person camping the AH.
You can make the best out of this by starting with the items that make the most gold per hour and knowing when to switch to something else. You may feel like you are doing nothing and making gold while you camp the AH but if you went out and did something your profits would greatly increase.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Get someone to snatch for you
Any time that item dips lower than my price he will make a profit on selling it to me. These are items that I buy like mad so having a 2nd person buying for me can only help. It also keeps it out of everyone elses hands.
Inscription bags
Inscription bags are a hot item at the moment. If you have some leather sitting on your leatherworker make up a batch of these. Normally inscription bags sell for less than the mats (the 2-3 times I ever looked at them) because they are a skill up item.
With the new guide posted on MMO-Champions, people are picking these up to jump start inscription. Remember the names of these people that buy 2-4 at a time from you. Add them to your friends list now. They are either the main or alt of one of the new players on your server.
The rush of new players
The think this new group of people are going to focus on are how much they made the first day and how fast they sold glyphs. If you can poison those things from the start they will not last long at all.
If someone jumps into the market and has a huge day the first day, it will stick with them for a long time. That is what drives them to stick it out when the market turns down. Looking at the results I had before, I would last weeks on break even profits and not think twice about it.
If they shoot for full coverage of all glyphs, they will get several sales that first hour. That is so exciting. The higher the buy out the more the excitement. Nothing better than looking at big sales before you even log out.
How do you poison those experiences? Help the good glyphs crash and deep undercut them when you see a new name post on them. Then reset the crappy glyphs that you can.
First impressions matter. What they see in the market this first time will last. If you crash the good glyphs, they will think they are worthless. If you reset the crap ones, they will be so excited to list some so high and they will curse the market when they fall back down.
I had a few leveling glyphs sell at fall back prices when I first got started and I got very attached to them. It took me a while to break out of thinking they were some how worth more than the others.
I am sitting good on my server. Competition is already fierce so it is a great time for them to come and play. My ideas are all theory craft and I don't plan on trying any of them. But it was interesting to think about.
Update: I wrote this before the guide was out but now that I see its up I have a few comments.
That threshold is way to high for my server. Even the lower one to drive out competition is not low enough to drive out competition on my server. I'm going to treat these guys just like all the other noobs that get QA for the first time.
I expect the market to dip a little for a few days and then back to normal for me. Good luck on your server.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Strange thing today
I started buying herbs again because my stock of ink is getting low. The market felt a little dry but I was still able to pick up enough herbs at the prices I like.
No maintanance?
Looking at my usual buys found me 27 stacks of herbs under market value. A new farmer (I hope) sent me 24 stacks of herbs COD. Tankard of terror almost fall off the AH. All the auctions that were up had expired during the night. So I flooded the market with what I had. I did over price them but just having a large number on the ah is what I was going for.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Buy: Tankard O' Terror
This is my next big investment. I'll give an update on how many I have once I end my buying spree.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Keyword: crash glyph market
If your set price is dirt cheap and most glyphs sell for huge mark up, you will find your competition buying out to relist. I never do it this way. You would need to camp the AH and quickly replace any that got sold. This way only realy works if they undercut you or you have 100% uptime and prevent them from getting sales. I find that hard to do for any normal player.
The other way is deep undercuts. If your competition reposts several times a day, this will work wonders. If you undercut 1G every time you post, then the harder the two of you work then the faster the prices fall. If you post 5 times a day at 1G undercut, after 10 days even the most profitable glyph is dirt cheap.
If you are willing to crash the market, you need to be willing to survive of minimal profits. I would not post at a loss but I can go very low. This is why you need dirt cheap mats. If you move the market down to where profit is minimal, then the lower you can drive your costs the better. So be very careful if you go after someone that already controls the market.
Most of the time I do not crash the market. Someone else does that for me and I have more reserves and cheaper ink than any of them. I do run with a high undercut so when competition pickes up, it naturaly lowers the price for me.